WPC 2021: 推迟到2022年
我们期待着这一事件,但世界香水大会再次被推迟,在持续的大流行期间完全可以理解。 我们将在2022年回到迈阿密, […]
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Erik contributed 19 entries already.
我们期待着这一事件,但世界香水大会再次被推迟,在持续的大流行期间完全可以理解。 我们将在2022年回到迈阿密, […]
Vanwyk 将出席在中国举行的ITMA ASIA – CITME 2016。 本次盛会将于2016年10月2 […]
2015 年 5 月 Vanwyk很高兴地宣布将参加在德国法兰克福举行的技术特克斯蒂尔会议。 本次活动于201 […]
Design and Screen Support:
Calculation of production order
quantities based on printing machine,
fabric, design, screen, colourway and
customer information including screen
cover, printing length and printing width.
Combined customer orders: recommended for
customers that manage large numbers of
customer orders per day. By combining identical
colours from different orders, the number and
amounts of colour preparations will be reduced